Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney


Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney (January 9, 1875 – April 18, 1942) was an American sculptor, art patron and collector, and founder in 1931 of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. She was a prominent social figure and hostess, who was born into the wealthy Vanderbilt family and married into the Whitney family.

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Patron and noted sculptor. Founder of the Whitney Museum of Art in New York City, opened in 1930 after donating 700 works of art from her own collection. As a patron of the arts,promoted the advancement of women in art.

Country of birth

United States


Artist, collector, founder, patron, sculptor

ULAN identifier



Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, Gertrude Whitney

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed October 10, 2024.