1941 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Sculpture, Watercolors, Drawings and Prints
Jan 15–Feb 19, 1941
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
Mary Hoover Aiken
H. Oliver Albright
Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
Carlos Andreson
Vera Andrus
Marianne Appel
Edmund Archer
Alexander Archipenko
John Taylor Arms
John Atherton
Peggy Bacon
Saul Baizerman
Will Barnet
Cecil C. Bell
Rainey Bennett
Thomas Hart Benton
Henry Billings
S.F. Bilotti
Isabel Bishop
Lucile Blanch
Julius Bloch
Aaron Bohrod
Otto Botto
Fiske Boyd
Raymond Breinin
Ann Brockman
Charles Burchfield
Betty Burroughs
Nathaniel C. Burwash
Andrew Butler
Paul Cadmus
Harry Poole Camden
Charles Campbell
Rhys Caparn
Page Cary
Federico Castellón
Albino Cavallito
Cornelia Van A. Chapin
Minna Citron
Howard Cook
Lydia Cooley
Lucille Corcos
John Edward Costigan
Lee Brown Coye
Konrad Cramer
Philbrick Crouch
John Steuart Curry
Lewis C. Daniel
Andrew Dasburg
A. Mark Datz
Jo Davidson
Hubert Davis
Stuart Davis
Horace Day
José de Creeft
Adolf Dehn
John Stockton deMartelly
José de Rivera
Nathaniel Dirk
Harry Dix
Thomas Donnelly
Mabel Dwight
Stuart Edie
Philip Evergood
Dean Fausett
Lyonel Feininger
Herbert Ferber
Ernest Fiene
Paul Fiene
John B. Flannagan
Seymour Fogel
David Fredenthal
Don Freeman
Jared French
Erwin F. Frey
Wanda Gág
Emil Ganso
Oronzo Gasparo
Todros Geller
Eugenie Gershoy
Marshall Glasier
Harry Glassgold
Maurice Glickman
Gertrude Goodrich
Harry Gottlieb
Hardie Gramatky
Dorothea Greenbaum
Waylande Gregory
William Gropper
Chaim Gross
Maurice Grosser
George Grosz
John Groth
Adlai S. Hardin
Minna Harkavy
Perkins Harnly
Abraham Harriton
Bertram Hartman
Rosella Hartman
Albert Heckman
John Heliker
Irwin David Hoffman
Edward Hopper
John Hovannes
Victoria Hutson Huntley
Joe Jones
Wendell Jones
Mervin Jules
Bernard Karfiol
Henry G. Keller
Walt Killam
Gina Knee
Henry Kreis
Max Kuehne
Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Lawrence Kupferman
Armin Landeck
Edward Laning
J.J. Lankes
Barbara Latham
Robert Laurent
Arthur Lee
Josef Lenhard
L. Jean Liberte
Russell Limbach
Charles Locke
Thomas G. Lo Medico
John Lonergan
Louis Lozowick
Oronzio Maldarelli
De Hirsh Margules
Kyra Markham
Jack Markow
Reginald Marsh
Karl Mattern
William C. McNulty
Austin Mecklem
McCullough Miller
Edward Millman
Bruce Mitchell
Frances Mallory Morgan
Eugene Morley
Simon Moselsio
Kornig Nalbandian
Thomas W. Nason
William C. Palmer
Simmons Persons
George Picken
Ogden M. Pleissner
Leslie Powell
Mac Raboy
Hugo Robus
Caroline Speare Rohland
Sanford Ross
Theodore Roszak
Lewis W. Rubenstein
Charles Rudy
Antonio Salemme
Paul Starrett Sample
Isaac J. Sanger
Concetta Scaravaglione
Louis Schanker
Katherine Schmidt
Henry Schnakenberg
Georges Schreiber
Ben Shahn
Millard Sheets
Eugenie Shonnard
Mitchell Siporin
John Sloan
Louis Slobodkin
David Smith
Jacob Getlar Smith
Lawrence Beal Smith
Raphael Soyer
Eugene Speicher
Benton Murdoch Spruance
Harwood Steiger
Harry Sternberg
Alexander Stoller
Prentiss Hottel Taylor
Byron Thomas
Laurence Tompkins
James B. Turnbull
Joseph Vogel
John von Wicht
Vaclav Vytlacil
Ernest Walker
Abraham Walkowitz
Carl Walters
Marion Walton
Heinz Warneke
Hyman Warsager
Jane Wasey
Max Weber
Cady Wells
Stow Wengenroth
Nat Werner
Anita Weschler
Warren Wheelock
Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney
John Whorf
Harry Wickey
Vally Wieselthier
Arline Wingate
Meyer Wolfe
Grant Wood
Andrew Wyeth
Art Young
Mahonri M. Young
William Zorach
In the News
“While the annual that opened last week at the Whitney Museum may be thought to contain little sculpture of transcendent significance, much of the plastic work is nevertheless very ably done, and there are pieces—quite a few, in fact—that ought to reinforce reputations long established.” —The New York Times
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