A colorful abstract painting in vivid pink, blue, orange, chartreuse, and more.

"As the story goes, if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will immediately try to escape. However, if a frog is placed in lukewarm water that is slowly brought to a boil, it will not notice and be boiled alive."

This essay was written by exhibition co-curator Angelica Arbelaez on the occasion of IIlana Savdie: Radical Contractions. 

Misdirection as Resistance: By Angelica Arbelaez, Rubio Butterfield Family Fellow


Essays by curators and contributors share thoughts on topics related to art at the Whitney.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

Learn more about this project

Learn more at whitney.org/artport

On the Hour projects can contain motion and sound. To respect your accessibility settings autoplay is disabled.