1940 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Art
Jan 10–Feb 18, 1940
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
- Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
- John Taylor Arms
- Peggy Bacon
- Saul Baizerman
- Richmond Barthé
- Michael Baxte
- A. S. Baylinson
- Gifford R. Beal
- Cecil C. Bell
- Thomas Hart Benton
- Saul Berman
- Virginia Berresford
- Frank Besedick
- George Biddle
- Henry Billings
- S.F. Bilotti
- Isabel Bishop
- Arnold Blanch
- Lucile Blanch
- Julius Bloch
- Peter Blume
- Aaron Bohrod
- Louis Bouché
- Fiske Boyd
- Alexander Brook
- Byron Browne
- Sonia Gordon Brown
- Edward Bruce
- Audrey Buller
- Charles Burchfield
- Jacob Burck
- Paul Burlin
- David Burliuk
- Betty Burroughs
- Paul Cadmus
- John Carroll
- Clarence Holbrook Carter
- Federico Castellón
- Albino Cavallito
- Nicolai Cikovsky
- Minna Citron
- Jon Corbino
- John Edward Costigan
- Lee Brown Coye
- Thomas Craig
- Francis Criss
- John Steuart Curry
- Lewis C. Daniel
- Jo Davidson
- Gladys Rockmore Davis
- Hubert Davis
- Stuart Davis
- Horace Day
- José de Creeft
- Adolf Dehn
- John Stockton deMartelly
- José de Rivera
- Frederick K. Detwiller
- Adolphe Dioda
- Nathaniel Dirk
- Stevan Dohanos
- Thomas Donnelly
- Arthur Dove
- Guy Pène Du Bois
- Mabel Dwight
- Stuart Edie
- Franc Epping
- Emlen Etting
- Philip Evergood
- Lorser Feitelson
- Herbert Ferber
- Duncan Ferguson
- Louis G. Ferstadt
- Mitchell Fields
- Ernest Fiene
- Paul Fiene
- Eugene C. Fitsch
- John B. Flannagan
- Karl E. Fortess
- Walter K. Frame
- Don Freeman
- Jared French
- Wanda Gág
- Emil Ganso
- Oronzo Gasparo
- Eugenie Gershoy
- C. K. Gleeson
- Maurice Glickman
- Lloyd Lozes Goff
- Aaron J. Goodelman
- Arshile Gorky
- Douglas W. Gorsline
- Harry Gottlieb
- Dorothea Greenbaum
- William Gropper
- Chaim Gross
- George Grosz
- John Groth
- Louis Guglielmi
- Philip Guston
- James Guy
- Robert Gwathmey
- Minna Harkavy
- Abraham Harriton
- Marsden Hartley
- Léon Hartl
- Bertram Hartman
- Rosella Hartman
- Milton Hebald
- Albert Heckman
- Eugene Higgins
- Joseph Hirsch
- Alexandre Hogue
- Edward Hopper
- Earl Horter
- John Hovannes
- Victoria Hutson Huntley
- Paul Hyun
- Joe Jones
- Mervin Jules
- Margaret Brassler Kane
- Morris Kantor
- Bernard Karfiol
- Henry G. Keller
- Leon Kelly
- Georgina Klitgaard
- Frederic Knight
- John Koch
- Benjamin Kopman
- Romuald Kraus
- Henry Kreis
- Leon Kroll
- Max Kuehne
- Walt Kuhn
- Yasuo Kuniyoshi
- Lawrence Kupferman
- Armin Landeck
- Edward Laning
- J.J. Lankes
- Barbara Latham
- Robert Laurent
- Rico Lebrun
- Arthur Lee
- Doris Lee
- Julian Levi
- Jack Levine
- Martin Lewis
- Russell Limbach
- Charles Locke
- Frank London
- Louis Lozowick
- Molly Luce
- Luigi Lucioni
- Oronzio Maldarelli
- Peppino Gino Mangravite
- Berta Margoulies
- George Marinko
- Kyra Markham
- Jack Markow
- Reginald Marsh
- Fletcher Martin
- Antonio P. Martino
- Henry Mattson
- John Ward McClellan
- Henry Lee McFee
- William C. McNulty
- Frank Mechau Jr.
- Felicia Meyer
- G. Macculloch Miller
- Helen Miller
- Kenneth Hayes Miller
- Eugene Morley
- Herta Moselsio
- Simon Moselsio
- Thomas W. Nason
- Edith Newton
- Isamu Noguchi
- William C. Palmer
- Waldo Peirce
- Marjorie Phillips
- George Picken
- Hobson Pittman
- Henry Varnum Poor
- Gregorio Prestopino
- Mac Raboy
- Daniel Rasmusson
- Louis Ribak
- Walter Du Bois Richards
- Hugo Robus
- Caroline Speare Rohland
- Paul Rohland
- Umberto Romano
- Charles Rosen
- Sanford Ross
- Lincoln Rothschild
- Charles Rudy
- Andrée Ruellan
- Allen Saalburg
- Hélène Sardeau
- Concetta Scaravaglione
- Katherine Schmidt
- Henry Schnakenberg
- Henry Schonbauer
- Georges Schreiber
- Charles E. Shannon
- William Sharp
- Charles Sheeler
- Millard Sheets
- Symeon Shimin
- John Sloan
- Louis Slobodkin
- Judson Smith
- Lawrence Beal Smith
- Raphael Soyer
- Eugene Speicher
- Francis Speight
- Niles Spencer
- Benton Murdoch Spruance
- Everett Spruce
- Joseph Stella
- Harry Sternberg
- Dudley V. Talcott
- Prentiss Hottel Taylor
- Byron Thomas
- Jennings Tofel
- Manuel J. Tolegian
- Bradley Walker Tomlin
- Dorothy Varian
- Carl Walters
- Marion Walton
- Heinz Warneke
- Hyman Warsager
- Jane Wasey
- Franklin C. Watkins
- Nan Watson
- Max Weber
- Stow Wengenroth
- Nat Werner
- Warren Wheelock
- Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney
- Harry Wickey
- Grant Wood
- Marguerite Zorach
- William Zorach
Explore works from this exhibition
in the Whitney's collection
View 7 works
In the News
“. . . the show [. . .] sets and maintains a pace for which there is very possibly no precedent . . .” —The New York Times
“The show, if uneven in quality, and in spots dubious enough, is alive. It is stimulating and provocative.” —The New York Times
“. . . say what you like, the show makes a very definite impact.” —The New York Times
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