1940 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Art
Jan 10–Feb 18, 1940
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
John Taylor Arms
Peggy Bacon
Saul Baizerman
Richmond Barthé
Michael Baxte
A. S. Baylinson
Gifford R. Beal
Cecil C. Bell
Thomas Hart Benton
Saul Berman
Virginia Berresford
Frank Besedick
George Biddle
Henry Billings
S.F. Bilotti
Isabel Bishop
Arnold Blanch
Lucile Blanch
Julius Bloch
Peter Blume
Aaron Bohrod
Louis Bouché
Fiske Boyd
Alexander Brook
Byron Browne
Sonia Gordon Brown
Edward Bruce
Audrey Buller
Charles Burchfield
Jacob Burck
Paul Burlin
David Burliuk
Betty Burroughs
Paul Cadmus
John Carroll
Clarence Holbrook Carter
Federico Castellón
Albino Cavallito
Nicolai Cikovsky
Minna Citron
Jon Corbino
John Edward Costigan
Lee Brown Coye
Thomas Craig
Francis Criss
John Steuart Curry
Lewis C. Daniel
Jo Davidson
Gladys Rockmore Davis
Hubert Davis
Stuart Davis
Horace Day
José de Creeft
Adolf Dehn
John Stockton deMartelly
José de Rivera
Frederick K. Detwiller
Adolphe Dioda
Nathaniel Dirk
Stevan Dohanos
Thomas Donnelly
Arthur Dove
Guy Pène Du Bois
Mabel Dwight
Stuart Edie
Franc Epping
Emlen Etting
Philip Evergood
Lorser Feitelson
Herbert Ferber
Duncan Ferguson
Louis G. Ferstadt
Mitchell Fields
Ernest Fiene
Paul Fiene
Eugene C. Fitsch
John B. Flannagan
Karl E. Fortess
Walter K. Frame
Don Freeman
Jared French
Wanda Gág
Emil Ganso
Oronzo Gasparo
Eugenie Gershoy
C. K. Gleeson
Maurice Glickman
Lloyd Lozes Goff
Aaron J. Goodelman
Arshile Gorky
Douglas W. Gorsline
Harry Gottlieb
Dorothea Greenbaum
William Gropper
Chaim Gross
George Grosz
John Groth
Louis Guglielmi
Philip Guston
James Guy
Robert Gwathmey
Minna Harkavy
Abraham Harriton
Marsden Hartley
Léon Hartl
Bertram Hartman
Rosella Hartman
Milton Hebald
Albert Heckman
Eugene Higgins
Joseph Hirsch
Alexandre Hogue
Edward Hopper
Earl Horter
John Hovannes
Victoria Hutson Huntley
Paul Hyun
Joe Jones
Mervin Jules
Margaret Brassler Kane
Morris Kantor
Bernard Karfiol
Henry G. Keller
Leon Kelly
Georgina Klitgaard
Frederic Knight
John Koch
Benjamin Kopman
Romuald Kraus
Henry Kreis
Leon Kroll
Max Kuehne
Walt Kuhn
Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Lawrence Kupferman
Armin Landeck
Edward Laning
J.J. Lankes
Barbara Latham
Robert Laurent
Rico Lebrun
Arthur Lee
Doris Lee
Julian Levi
Jack Levine
Martin Lewis
Russell Limbach
Charles Locke
Frank London
Louis Lozowick
Molly Luce
Luigi Lucioni
Oronzio Maldarelli
Peppino Gino Mangravite
Berta Margoulies
George Marinko
Kyra Markham
Jack Markow
Reginald Marsh
Fletcher Martin
Antonio P. Martino
Henry Mattson
John Ward McClellan
Henry Lee McFee
William C. McNulty
Frank Mechau Jr.
Felicia Meyer
G. Macculloch Miller
Helen Miller
Kenneth Hayes Miller
Eugene Morley
Herta Moselsio
Simon Moselsio
Thomas W. Nason
Edith Newton
Isamu Noguchi
William C. Palmer
Waldo Peirce
Marjorie Phillips
George Picken
Hobson Pittman
Henry Varnum Poor
Gregorio Prestopino
Mac Raboy
Daniel Rasmusson
Louis Ribak
Walter Du Bois Richards
Hugo Robus
Caroline Speare Rohland
Paul Rohland
Umberto Romano
Charles Rosen
Sanford Ross
Lincoln Rothschild
Charles Rudy
Andrée Ruellan
Allen Saalburg
Hélène Sardeau
Concetta Scaravaglione
Katherine Schmidt
Henry Schnakenberg
Henry Schonbauer
Georges Schreiber
Charles E. Shannon
William Sharp
Charles Sheeler
Millard Sheets
Symeon Shimin
John Sloan
Louis Slobodkin
Judson Smith
Lawrence Beal Smith
Raphael Soyer
Eugene Speicher
Francis Speight
Niles Spencer
Benton Murdoch Spruance
Everett Spruce
Joseph Stella
Harry Sternberg
Dudley V. Talcott
Prentiss Hottel Taylor
Byron Thomas
Jennings Tofel
Manuel J. Tolegian
Bradley Walker Tomlin
Dorothy Varian
Carl Walters
Marion Walton
Heinz Warneke
Hyman Warsager
Jane Wasey
Franklin C. Watkins
Nan Watson
Max Weber
Stow Wengenroth
Nat Werner
Warren Wheelock
Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney
Harry Wickey
Grant Wood
Marguerite Zorach
William Zorach
In the News
“. . . the show [. . .] sets and maintains a pace for which there is very possibly no precedent . . .” —The New York Times
“The show, if uneven in quality, and in spots dubious enough, is alive. It is stimulating and provocative.” —The New York Times
“. . . say what you like, the show makes a very definite impact.” —The New York Times
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