Hedda Sterne


Hedda Sterne (August 4, 1910 – April 8, 2011) was a Romanian-born American artist who was an active member of the New York School of painters. Her work is often associated with Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism. She was also the only woman to appear in the famous photograph of abstract expressionist artists dubbed "The Irascibles", although the group included other women.

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Sterne worked in various styles, showed with surrealist painters and was known for her participation in a Life magazine photo shoot of abstract expressionist painters ca. 1950.

Country of birth



Artist, painter

ULAN identifier



Hedda Sterne, Hedda (maiden name) Lindenberg, Hedwig Lindenberg, Hedda Steinberg, Hedda Lindenberg Sterne

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed October 11, 2024.