Charles Ray


Charles Ray (born 1953) is a Los Angeles–based American sculptor. He is known for his strange and enigmatic sculptures that draw the viewer's perceptual judgments into question in jarring and unexpected ways. Christopher Knight in the Los Angeles Times wrote that Ray's "career as an artist…is easily among the most important of the last twenty years."

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Ray interjects feelings of unrest into his seemingly quiet Minimalist work, substances such as ink or Pepto-Bismol, which if touched by the viewer, disturb the piece. Ray is also known for his unsually large works, for example, his monochrome replica of a crashed car, his big toy firetruck, and his 8-foot woman mannequin. American architect, New York City.

Country of birth

United States


Artist, architect, conceptual artist, performance artist, photographer, professor, sculptor

ULAN identifier



Charles Ray, Ray Charles

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed October 11, 2024.