Whitney Biennial 1993

Mar 4–June 20, 1993

The Whitney Biennial 1993 was curated by Thelma Golden, John G. Hanhardt, Lisa Phillips, and Elisabeth Sussman.

View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.

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In the News

“. . . the latest Biennial turns its back on the razzle-dazzle of the 1980’s and faces the harsher realities of the 90’s.” —The New York Times

“The Whitney Biennial has not spontaneously brought about world peace and racial harmony, as it seems hellbent on proving it can do, but it has accomplished one minor diplomatic coup. It has brought various New York critics of usually discordant opinions into rare harmony: at the least, they dislike it.” —The New York Times

“. . . bound to be remembered as the in-your-face Biennial.” —The Washington Post

“This year’s Whitney Biennial had a kind of pleasing integrity, or clarity, to it that it hasn’t had in a long time.” —The Hudson Review

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