Barbara Kruger


Barbara Kruger (born January 26, 1945, Newark, New Jersey) is an American conceptual artist and collagist associated with the Pictures Generation. She is most known for her collage style that consists of black-and-white photographs, overlaid with declarative captions, stated in white-on-red Futura Bold Oblique or Helvetica Ultra Condensed text. The phrases in her works often include pronouns such as "you", "your", "I", "we", and "they", addressing cultural constructions of power, identity, consumerism, and sexuality. Kruger's artistic mediums include photography, sculpture, graphic design, architecture, as well as video and audio installations.

Kruger lives and works in New York and Los Angeles. She is an Emerita Distinguished Professor of New Genres at the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture. In 2021, Kruger was included in Time magazine's annual list of the 100 Most Influential People.

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Kruger combines photograph-based images with slogans or aphorisms, deconstructing them visually and verbally. Her work appears in public spaces as well as on consumer merchandise.

Country of birth

United States


Artist, author, collagist, conceptual artist, designer, film critic, installation artist, lecturer, painter, photographer, publicist, writer

ULAN identifier



Barbara Kruger, Barabra Kruger, Barbarah Kruger, Barbarah Ḳruger

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed September 30, 2024.