Whitney Biennial 1987

Apr 10–July 5, 1987

Cover for 1987 Biennial catalogue

The Whitney Biennial 1987 was curated by Richard Armstrong, John G. Hanhardt, Richard Marshall, and Lisa Phillips.

View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.


In the News

“The biennial this year seems certain [. . .] to be somewhat quieter and more contemplative in tone than the 1985 exhibition [. . .]. This year, by contrast, there is [. . .] far more painting and sculpture that strives without gimmicks for a strong esthetic impact.” —The New York Times

“Stung by savage criticism of the last Biennial, and convinced that contemporary art is in a very different place than it was two years ago, the Whitney has assembled a very different show. It is self-consciously serious, often illuminating, predictably uneven and unusually tame. It is also indispensable.” —The New York Times

“. . . the Whitney Biennial, again this year as in years past, promiscuously displays what is thought to be fashionable.” —The Burlington Magazine

“No matter what your taste in art, it will drive you up the wall.” —The Washington Post

More from this series

Learn more about the Whitney Biennial, the longest-running survey of American art.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
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