e.g. oil on canvas
e.g. gift of Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney
e.g. 1880
e.g. 2024
Invalid year range
Years must be in the form YYYY
38 works
Alice Adams Screen 1997
Will Barnet Duluth 1997
Power Boothe Gait 1997
Naomi Boretz Trifolium 1997
Marvin Brown The Well House 1997
Kenneth Wayne Bushnell E.D.C. Untitled 1997
Jean Cohen Up-Down 1997
Ruth Eckstein Slospeed XXX 1997
Gabriele Evertz Heraldic Tinctures 1997
Helen Odell Gilbert Untitled 1997
John Goodyear This Page 1997
James Gross Forms in Space 1997
Paul Heald Multilift 1997
Clinton Hill Across 1997
Ward Jackson Transverse 1997
James Joseph Juszczyk Prime Inclusion 1997
Martha Keller R. Slippy 1997
Ibram Lassaw Maze 1997
Jane Marie Logemann Letter-Hebrew-1997 1997
Vincent Longo Untitled 1997
Katinka Mann Untitled 1997
Nancy Manter Transmission 1997
Clement L. Meadmore Two Identical Units Joined Eight Ways 1997
Hiroshi Murata Behind the Door 1997
Mary McLean Obering Positions 1997
Lucio Pozzi The Grass Maze 1997
Joan Webster Price To Mars and Beyond 1997
Raquel Rabinovich State of Gray 1997
Leo Rabkin Words on Edge 1997
Beatrice Riese Rimac 1997
A 30-second online art project:Peter Burr, Sunshine Monument
Learn more at whitney.org/artport