
C404 is a New York-based studio that creates specialty digital, printed and installation-based media for commercial and art audiences. Under the creative direction of Yoshi Sodeoka, C404 maintains C404.tv, a showcase for art projects that focus on the combination of original audio and moving images and C404.cc, a growing collection of interactive, animated and static visual ideas. Most recently, C404 exhibited four installation pieces at Digital Dumbo, a new media art festival in Brooklyn. And in February 2002, C404 will release Prototype #31, a DVD featuring experimental video created by C404 and friends layered on an original audio track. C404's digital artwork and designs have been featured on numerous CD-ROMs and Web sites since 1997 and in exhibitions at the San Francisco MoMA, P.S. 1, the American Museum of Moving Image, the Walker Art Center, and Art & Design Museum in Brazil, among others. C404's Yoshi Sodeoka and Sean Rooney also create digital noise music under the name of P2P. Selected tracks are available from Ooze.b‚p Records.

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See more on artport, the Whitney Museum's portal to Internet and new media art.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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Learn more at whitney.org/artport

On the Hour projects can contain motion and sound. To respect your accessibility settings autoplay is disabled.