February 2002
C404 is a New York-based studio that creates specialty digital, printed and installation-based media for commercial and art audiences. Under the creative direction of Yoshi Sodeoka, C404 maintains C404.tv, a showcase for art projects that focus on the combination of original audio and moving images and C404.cc, a growing collection of interactive, animated and static visual ideas. Most recently, C404 exhibited four installation pieces at Digital Dumbo, a new media art festival in Brooklyn. And in February 2002, C404 will release Prototype #31, a DVD featuring experimental video created by C404 and friends layered on an original audio track. C404's digital artwork and designs have been featured on numerous CD-ROMs and Web sites since 1997 and in exhibitions at the San Francisco MoMA, P.S. 1, the American Museum of Moving Image, the Walker Art Center, and Art & Design Museum in Brazil, among others. C404's Yoshi Sodeoka and Sean Rooney also create digital noise music under the name of P2P. Selected tracks are available from Ooze.b‚p Records.
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This project depends on live search queries that are no longer generated, and was reconstructed through a combination of the c404.tv website and the Internet Archive.
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Gate Pages
Every month from March 2001 to February 2006 an artist was invited to present their work in the form of a “Gate Page” on artport. Each of these pages functioned as a portal to the artist's own sites and projects.
Wherever necessary and possible, these works are made functional through emulation and reconstructions from the Internet Archive. Not all of them have been restored to their original state and their conservation is ongoing. You can also view the original Gate Pages archive to see how they were presented at the time of their creation.
See more on artport, the Whitney Museum's portal to Internet and new media art.