Candida Alvarez


Candida Alvarez (born 1955) is an American artist and professor, known for her paintings and drawings.

Alvarez has exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art, MoMA PS1, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, and Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Her work belongs to the public art collections of the Whitney, Art Institute of Chicago, San Jose Museum of Art, and Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, among others. She was named a 2022 US Latinx Artist Fellow and has been recognized by the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, Joan Mitchell Foundation and Pollock-Krasner Foundation. She lives and works in Chicago and Baroda, Michigan and is a professor of painting and drawing at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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Country of birth

United States


Artist, painter

ULAN identifier



Candida Alvarez

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed October 24, 2024.