Carolina Caycedo


Carolina Caycedo (born 1978, in London, United Kingdom) is a multimedia artist based in Los Angeles.

Born to Colombian parents, Caycedo's art practice is based on environmental research focusing on the future of shared resources, environmental justice, energy transition and cultural biodiversity. Through contributing to community-based construction of environmental and historical memory, Caycedo seeks the ways of preventing violence against humans and nature.

Her work has been shown in museums around the world, including in a number of international biennales, such as the 2019 Chicago Architecture Biennial, 2018 Hammer Museum “Made in L.A.” biennial, 2016 São Paulo Art Biennial, 2010 Pontevedra Biennial, 2009 Havana Biennial, 2009 San Juan Poligraphic Triennial, 2006 Whitney Biennial, and 2003 Venice Biennale.

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Country of birth

United Kingdom


Artist, performance artist, photographer

ULAN identifier



Carolina Caycedo

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed October 21, 2024.