Kristin Lucas: Speculative Habitat for Sponsored Seabirds

Nov 19, 2019–July 20, 2020

A penguin and many flamingos on an ice flow next to a sign that says "the long and short of it" overlaying
A penguin and many flamingos on an ice flow next to a sign that says "the long and short of it" overlaying

Kristin Lucas, screenshot of Speculative Habitat for Sponsored Seabirds at sunset, 2019

In Speculative Habitat for Sponsored Seabirds, Kristin Lucas turns into a “living” environment for animated flamingos and a penguin. The 3-D animals are stand-ins for actual seabirds sponsored by the artist through the Tour du Valat Research Institute for the Conservation of Mediterranean Wetlands and the Organization for the Conservation of Penguins, both of which support the preservation of environments and species. Flamingos and penguins—usually geographically distant species—here inhabit the same space, highlighting the increasing fusion of climate zones on our planet. A rotating signpost displaying the words "The Long and Short of It" as well as the actual tag numbers of the sponsored flamingos and the name of the penguin promise a summary that never quite arrives. Instead, the animated landscape alludes to the long and short in the perception of time frames: the roughly 4.6 billion years of the Earth’s existence, the 200,000 years that homo sapiens have inhabited the planet, and the short time we have to act on what we have learned from scientific climate forecasts.

Kristin Lucas (b. 1968) is a media artist whose work explores the impact of technology on humanity, blurring the boundary between the technological and corporeal. Her augmented reality, video, installation, net art, and performance works have been presented internationally by museums and galleries, including the Whitney; the New Museum; the Museum of Modern Art; the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany; FACT Liverpool; House of Electronic Arts, Basel; and Nam June Paik Art Center, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. She is the recipient of numerous awards and grants including the Andrea Frank Foundation Grant, Edith Russ Site for Media Art Stipend, New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, New York State Council on the Arts Individual Artist Grant, Rema Hort Mann Foundation Grant, and Rhizome commissions, among others. Lucas is an assistant professor in the department of art and art history at The University of Texas at Austin.

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Sunrise/Sunset was a series of Internet art projects that marked sunset and sunrise in New York City every day from 2009 to 2024. All were commissioned by the Whitney specifically for, each project unfolding over a time frame of ten to thirty seconds.

Indicating the switch from day to night and vice versa in one specific location, Sunrise/Sunset projects played with the perception of time and space, underscoring the physical location of the Whitney Museum and the global accessibility of virtual space. The series was organized by Christiane Paul, Curator of Digital Art at the Whitney Museum of American Art.


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On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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