John Klima

October 2001

Ca. 1980, artist John Klima attempted to code a 3D maze on a TRS-80 with 4k RAM and failed miserably, but has been obsessed with 3D graphics ever since. Contracting for companies such as Microsoft, Turner Broadcasting, and Dun & Bradstreet from 1993 to 1998, Klima honed his programming skills while continuing to make art within the flexible schedule that free-lance programming provided. In 1998, Klima discontinued activities as a commercial programmer to focus solely on the creation of art software. His work was shown frequently in New York and at European festivals, such as VIPER (Switzerland) and EMAF (Germany). His work glasbead was included in the New Media New Face exhibit at the ICC in Tokyo, Japan (1999) and received the Golden Lasso Award for Art in the Web3DRoundup at SIGGRAPH 2000 in New Orleans. His work ecosystm, commissioned by Zurich Capital Markets, was shown at the Whitney Museum as part of the exhibition BitStreams (2001). His work EARTH was exhibited at the National Library of Medicine, at SIGGRAPH 2001 in Los Angeles, and in the 2002 Whitney Biennial.

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This project relies on Java applets that are no longer readily playable, but can be run using certain browser extensions or other emulation tools.

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Gate Pages

Every month from March 2001 to February 2006 an artist was invited to present their work in the form of a “Gate Page” on artport. Each of these pages functioned as a portal to the artist's own sites and projects.

Wherever necessary and possible, these works are made functional through emulation and reconstructions from the Internet Archive. Not all of them have been restored to their original state and their conservation is ongoing. You can also view the original Gate Pages archive to see how they were presented at the time of their creation.


See more on artport, the Whitney Museum's portal to Internet and new media art.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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On the Hour projects can contain motion and sound. To respect your accessibility settings autoplay is disabled.