1956 Annual Exhibition: Sculpture, Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings
Nov 14, 1956–Jan 6, 1957
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
Pat Adams
Samuel Adler
Josef Albers
Calvin Albert
Leo Amino
Alexander Archipenko
Milton Avery
Gertrude Barrer
William Baziotes
Janice Biala
Isabel Bishop
Nell Blaine
Lucile Blanch
Hyman Bloom
Peter Blume
Louis Bouché
Louise Bourgeois
William Brice
Ernest Briggs
James Brooks
Carlyle Brown
Colleen Browning
Charles Burchfield
Paul Burlin
Paul Cadmus
Doris Caesar
Lawrence Calcagno
Alexander Calder
Kenneth Callahan
Victor Candell
Cecil Lang Casebier
William Chaiken
Edward Chavez
Herman Cherry
William Congdon
Robert Cook
Edward Corbett
Joseph Cornell
Richard Crist
Robert Cronbach
Adolf Dehn
Willem de Kooning
Koren Der Harootian
José de Rivera
Lamar Dodd
Enrico Donati
Seymour Drumlevitch
Lu Duble
Hazard Durfee
Jimmy Ernst
Philip Evergood
Herbert Ferber
John Ferren
Seymour Fogel
Gray Foy
Sam Francis
Jared French
Joseph Friebert
Sue Fuller
William Gambini
Lee Gatch
Jan Gelb
Fritz Glarner
Joseph M. Glasco
Xavier Gonzalez
Robert Goodnough
Sidney Gordin
Adolph Gottlieb
Joseph Gotto
Morris Graves
Dorothea Greenbaum
Balcomb Greene
Stephen Greene
Peter Grippe
Chaim Gross
Jean Guerin
Philip Guston
Ernest Guteman
Robert Gwathmey
Raoul Hague
David Hare
Minna Harkavy
Grace Hartigan
Kaname Hayashi
John Heliker
Dorothy Heller
Edward Hopper
John Hultberg
Tom Ingle
Mitchell Jamieson
Murray Jones
Matsumi Kanemitsu
Herbert Katzman
Nathaniel Kaz
Gyorgy Kepes
William Kienbusch
Dong Kingman
William King
Jonah Kinigstein
Jules Kirschenbaum
Franz Kline
Karl Knaths
Lee Krasner
Ibram Lassaw
John Laurent
Pietro Lazzari
Jack Levine
Jacques Lipchitz
Peter Lipman-Wulf
Seymour Lipton
Oronzio Maldarelli
Conrad Marca-Relli
Boris Margo
Ezio Martinelli
Henry Mattson
Douglas McClellan
James McGarrell
Hugh Mesibov
Richard Miller
Hans Moller
Randall Morgan
Carl Morris
Kyle Morris
Robert Motherwell
George Mueller
Walter Murch
Louise Nevelson
Juan Nickford
Isamu Noguchi
Kenzo Okada
Georgia O'Keeffe
Earle Olsen
Charles Oscar
Alfonso Ossorio
Stephen Pace
William C. Palmer
Robert Andrew Parker
Abbott Pattison
Philip Pearlstein
I. Rice Pereira
Gabor Peterdi
Richard Pousette-Dart
Gregorio Prestopino
Leo Quanchi
George Ratkai
Abraham Rattner
Ad Reinhardt
Jeanne Reynal
Larry Rivers
Hugo Robus
Ralph Rosenborg
Robert Rosenwald
Theodore Roszak
Kay Sage
Louis Schanker
Henry Schnakenberg
Jo Anne Schneider
Charles Schucker
Ethel Schwabacher
Manfred Schwartz
Charles Seliger
Kurt Seligmann
Ben Shahn
Charles Sheeler
Raphael Soyer
Theodoros Stamos
James Sterling
Harold Sterner
William Story
Peter Takal
Reuben Tam
Sabina Teichman
William Thon
Mark Tobey
George Tooker
Jack Tworkov
Robert Vickrey
Ruth Vodicka
John von Wicht
Vaclav Vytlacil
Jane Wasey
Hugo Weber
Nat Werner
Anita Weschler
John Wilde
Walter Williams
Andrew Wyeth
Karl Zerbe
William Zorach
In the News
“The mood of the Whitney show is decidedly more chastened than has been true of its recent annuals and it seems to this reviewer to present a higher percentage of ability than usual.” —The New York Times
“The sculpture section [. . .] in the Whitney show this year is smaller than usual and, this reviewer feels, less rewarding than in recent years. The paintings [. . .] as usual range from very realistic to wholly abstract with considerable of the latter edging over perilously close to sheer decorative use of color. The drawings are admirable.” —The New York Times
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