A Detour to Brooklyn
Mar 15, 2010

We recently began our Biennial video shoot starring Gary Carrion-Murayari, one of the curators of this year’s exhibition, 2010. When I arrived on set, the wonderful crew from NYFA was already hard at work setting up cameras and lights. We all eventually took over different responsibilities. I was the sit-in for Gary, which was extremely important for setting up the ideal camera shot. Amadu and Cesar worked on lighting, which can make or break the shot. A helpful and interesting side note: defining the hairline of the interviewer highlights the subject in the scene. 

We began our interview with Charlotte as the main interviewer. Some of the other YI Leaders also pitched in with their own questions. I won’t give away too many details about the interview, because the video will debut in April.

On a sadder note, Mr. Michael Sandoval from NYFA has left us for a while to work on a project in Africa. We wish him luck in Nigeria and we thank him for teaching us for the past couple of weeks to get us started on this project.

After speaking with Gary, we visited Biennial artist Kate Gilmore at her studio in Brooklyn. She sat down with us for the second of our interviews for the Biennial video project. Kate showed us around the Marie Walsh Sharpe studios, where she is completing a one year residency. She talked to us about everything from inspirations for her work in this year's Biennial to her thoughts on feminism and art. Stay tuned for the official YI Leaders Biennial videos right here on the Whitney website! 

Meanwhile, here is a sneak preview of our next blog post: Cesar returns to tell us about the rest of his college road trip with Opportunity Network. He shouldn’t take his self-proclaimed title as “everyone’s favorite blogger” too seriously though, not to burst his bubble or anything like that!

By Luyu