e.g. oil on canvas
e.g. gift of Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney
e.g. 1880
e.g. 2024
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13 works
Paul McCarthy San Francisco, Shithole of the Universe 1980
Paul McCarthy Contemporary Cure All, Blueprint 1979
Paul McCarthy Contemporary Cure All, Color and Contemporary Cure All and Deadening 1979
Paul McCarthy Class Fool, Mask and Class Fool, Light Pole and Class Fool, David Antin, and Class Fool, Two Photos 1976
Paul McCarthy Class Fool 1976
Paul McCarthy Experimental Dancer 1975
Paul McCarthy Sailor's Meat and Sailor's Meat, Europe Raw and Sailor's Meat and Tubbing 1975
Paul McCarthy Meat Cake and Heinz Ketchup, Sauce 1974
Paul McCarthy Painting, Wall Whip and Painting 1974
Paul McCarthy Bat Boy and Painting, Shit Face, Shit Painting and Video, Contact Sheet 1973
Paul McCarthy Black and White Video (Shadow, Singing, Wall Contact, Crucifix) 1971
Paul McCarthy Inverted Rooms and Hallways 1970–1971
Paul McCarthy Dream Room, Interior Room 1970
A 30-second online art project:Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City
Learn more at whitney.org/artport
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