Jack Coughlin


Jack Coughlin (born 1932, Connecticut, USA) is an artist of Irish-American heritage who is best known for his portraits of literary figures and musicians. As a figurative artist and member of the National Academy of Design, Coughlin’s work is in many prominent collections including the Metropolitan Museum and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the National Collection of Fine Arts in Washington D.C., the Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences in Virginia, the Worcester Art Museum in Massachusetts, the University of Colorado, the Philadelphia Free Public Library, Staedelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfort, Germany, and the New University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland.

Born in Greenwich, Connecticut Coughlin studied at the Rhode Island School of Design and the Art Students League of New York. Although Coughlin’s education coincided with the heyday of Abstract Expressionism, he has always been drawn to figurative traditions in European and American art.

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Jack Coughlin

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed December 11, 2024.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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