Yun-Fei Ji



Yun-Fei Ji (Chinese: 季云飞; pinyin: Jì Yúnfēi; born 1963) is a Chinese-American painter who has been based largely in New York City since 1990. His art synthesizes old and new representational modes, subverting the classical idealism of centuries-old Chinese scroll and landscape painting traditions to tell contemporary stories of survival amid ecological and social disruption. He employs metaphor, symbolic allusion and devices such as caricature and the grotesque to create tumultuous, Kafka-esque worlds that writers suggest address two cultural revolutions: the first, communist one and its spiritual repercussions, and a broader capitalist one driven by industrialization and its effects, both in China and the US. ARTnews critic Lilly Wei wrote, "Ancestral ghosts and skeletons appear frequently in Ji’s iconography; his work is infused with the supernatural and the folkloric as well as the documentary as he records with fierce, focused intensity the displacement and forced relocation of people, the disappearance of villages, and the environmental upheavals of massive projects like the controversial Three Gorges Dam."

Ji has exhibited at institutions including the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), S.M.A.K. (Ghent), the Whitney Museum, Brooklyn Museum and New Museum, among others. He been awarded the American Academy in Rome Prize, and his work belongs to the art collections of MoMA, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, British Museum, Whitney Museum and Philadelphia Museum of Art.

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Artist, painter

ULAN identifier



Yun-fei Ji, Yun- Fei Ji, Ji Yun-fei, Yun-Fei Ji, 季雲飛

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed March 17, 2025.

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On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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