April Gornik


April Gornik (born 1953, Cleveland, Ohio) is an American artist who paints American landscapes. Her realist yet dreamlike paintings and drawings embody oppositions and speak to America's historically conflicted relationship with nature. While she doesn't categorize herself as an environmental artist, she is a passionate supporter of environmental causes and has said, "I have no problem with people reading an ecological message into my work."

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Gornik takes the subject matter and style of the American Luminists, but adds strange weather conditions such as cloudbursts and waterspouts.

Country of birth

United States


Artist, painter

ULAN identifier



April Gornik

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed December 9, 2024.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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