Rebecca Salsbury James


Rebecca Salsbury James (1891–1968) was a self-taught American painter, born in London, England of American parents who were traveling with the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show. She settled in New York City, where she married photographer Paul Strand. Following her divorce from Strand, James moved to Taos, New Mexico where she fell in with a group that included Mabel Dodge Luhan, Dorothy Brett, and Frieda Lawrence. In 1937 she married William James, a businessman from Denver, Colorado who was then operating the Kit Carson Trading Company in Taos. She remained in Taos until her death in 1968.

James is noted for her “large scale flower blossoms and still lifes painted on glass." She also worked on colcha embroidery, a traditional Hispanic New Mexico craft style.

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She was born in London, England, while her parents were traveling with the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show. She and her mother moved to New York when her father died. She married the photographer, Paul Strand, and became a self-taught artist. She produced works in various media, including oils, pastels, and reverse oils on glass. She and Strand were divorced in the 1930s, and she moved to Taos, New Mexico, and married Bill James.

Country of birth

United Kingdom


Artist, embroiderer, painter

ULAN identifier



Rebecca Salsbury James, Rebecca Salsbury, Rebecca Strand

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed October 23, 2024.