Nathan Mabry


Nathan Mabry (born 1978) is an artist based in Los Angeles.

Mabry was born in Colorado. His work is a mixture of primitive sculpture and Minimalist-style art. He references the work of artists such as Sol LeWitt, John McCracken and Carl Andre and uses materials including wood, plaster and clay.

Mabry took part in the prominent exhibition Thing: New Sculpture from Los Angeles at the Hammer Museum in 2005.

Mabry received his BFA from Kansas City Art Institute in 2001 and his MFA from UCLA in 2004.

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Mabry received his BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute and his MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles. His idiosyncratic figurative sculptures are noted for their intelligent and quirky sense of humor; he works in traditional sculptural materials such as clay, wood, and plaster.

Country of birth

United States


Artist, sculptor

ULAN identifier



Nathan Mabry

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Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed September 28, 2024.