Share Your #WhitneyPortraits
Nov 22, 2016

In our new Whitney Stories series, artists choose portraits from Human Interest that inspire them. Now it's your turn! Share an image on Instagram of yourself in front of a favorite work. When you post, tell us why that particular portrait speaks to you and use the hashtag #WhitneyPortraits. Every week, we’ll highlight some favorites on our account.

"It’s a portrait of his desire to be completely honest with his audience." 

—Martha Wilson on John Coplans's Untitled (Frieze No. 2)

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"I had a poster of this painting in my college room for all four years of college."

—Mathew Cerletty on Jean Michel Basquiat's Hollywood Africans

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"Alice was a friend of mine, and I've always liked her work, even though her work was different than mine."

—Barkley Hendricks on Alice Neel's Andy Warhol

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