Where We Are: Selections from the Whitney's Collection, 1900–1960
April 28, 2017–June 2, 2019

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At a time when debate continues over what it means to be American, Where We Are proposes a framework of everyday relationships, institutions, and activities that form an individual's sense of self. The exhibition focuses on works from the Whitney’s collection made between 1900 and 1960, a tumultuous period in the history of the United States when life in the country changed drastically due to war, economic collapse, and demands for civil rights. Artists responded in complex and diverse ways, and the exhibition honors their efforts to put forward new ways of presenting the self and American life.

Where We Are is organized by David Breslin, DeMartini Family Curator and Director of the Collection, with Jennie Goldstein, assistant curator, and Margaret Kross, curatorial assistant.


Please contact the Whitney Press Office with questions or further image requests:

(212) 570-3633

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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