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artport is the Whitney Museum's portal to Internet art and an online gallery space for commissions of net art and new media art. Originally launched in 2001, artport provides access to original artworks commissioned specifically for artport by the Whitney, documentation of net art and new media art exhibitions at the Whitney, and new media art in the Museum's collection. 

Using as their habitat, Sunrise/Sunset projects capture the core of artistic practice on the Internet—interventions in online spaces. The series debuted as part of artport in 2009 with Untitled Landscape #5 by the collaborative ecoarttech. More recent artport commissions include Nancy Baker Cahill's CENTO (2023); Peter Burr’s Sunshine Monument (2023); Rick Silva's Liquid Crystal (2023); Auriea Harvey's SITE1 (2023); Amelia Winger-Bearskin's Sky/World Death/World (2022); Mimi Ọnụọha’s 40% of Food in the US is Wasted (How the Hell is That Progress, Man?) (2022); Rachel Rossin’s THE MAW OF (2022); and Devin Kenney’s Ongoing, Individual Adaptability or How to Quiet Quit (2022).


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