Andrew Masullo

Feb 24, 2012


Andrew Masullo


Narrator: Check out this wall full of brightly colored abstract paintings by Andrew Masullo. Each one is different!

When Masullo paints, instead of using an easel, he sits on the floor. He holds the canvas on his lap or props it up in front of him. He usually works on five to ten paintings all at once. He also likes to paint with his TV on—it provides a distraction from the seriousness of painting.

Here is what he says about his artistic process:

Andrew Masullo: The real fun part is making the stuff, trying to figure it out, getting lost, getting frustrated, being happy when something goes my way, knowing that a mistake is just an opportunity for the next time.

Narrator: Masullo uses oil paints, which take a very long time to dry. Sometimes he just has to put what he is working on away until it dries.

He says:

Andrew Masullo: It’s much better to do some and then have to put it away, and sort of feel this little heartache like, “Oh, I don’t want to put this away right now, because I do kind of think I might know what I want to do next.” But I’m forced to put it away, which is a good thing, because then I can take it out and it’s completely fresh again once I look at it. Hopefully completely fresh again!