Cora, (cornbread)

Sept 7, 2023


Cora, (cornbread)


Narrator: Andrea Bowers talks about this painting, Cora, (cornbread).

Andrea Bowers: It's a beautiful old stove. And when Henry was living in downtown Los Angeles, near Chinatown, he had this beautiful old stove, very similar to this, and he cooked constantly. And his meals were fantastic. And he always said that his mother taught him how to cook. And so, I love that he found her name "Cora," in the words "cornbread." And I think this was always a painting that Henry always had hanging wherever he lived. Seemed to be really meaningful to him, like a really special painting.

Andrea Bowers: I think that Henry has painted almost every day of his life. 

Narrator: Bowers has been friends with Taylor since the 1990s, when they overlapped at California Institute of the Arts. 

Andrea Bowers: When you start working with materials, there's things that are going to come up, that's a whole different kind of knowledge or communication. And I think that's where Henry's brilliance lies, just the day-to-day working. He loves to do it. And he paints all the time, and that's beautiful.