June 25, 2010
Backyard Birds: An Evening of Prose and Music Celebrating Charles Burchfield

June 25, 2010


June 25, 2010
Backyard Birds: An Evening of Prose and Music Celebrating Charles Burchfield


Charles Burchfield reveled in the sounds, sights, and sensations of nature. He often wrote about his experiences in his journals, and his close study of nature is apparent in his paintings. Listen to a reading of excerpts from Burchfield’s journals by Jonathan Rosen, author of The Life of the Skies: Birding at the End of Nature, paired with a performance of songs by Jonathan Meiburg of Shearwater who will be joined by Andy Stack of Wye Oak. Rosen and Meiburg both share Burchfield’s enthusiasm for nature, particularly birds. Discover the wonders in paying attention to the backyard bird.