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Introduction to Videos in American Sign Language

Sept 30, 2020

Tour the Whitney Museum in American Sign Language with educator Lauren Ridloff. 

Welcome to the ASL Vlog Project. I am Lauren Ridloff, an educator here at the Whitney Museum. This ASL Vlog Project was started back in 2011 with another ASL educator and artist, Christine Sun Kim. Our goal with this project is to highlight the important artwork here at the Whitney.

If you want more information about this project or events here at the Whitney, visit If you have any feedback, questions or concerns about this project, please email us at

Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, back in the early twentieth century, noticed that American artists who had new and innovative ideas were struggling to have their work shown. They were struggling to sell their art. Mrs. Whitney was determined to create space for these American artists. 

That is what led to the eventual creation of the Whitney Museum with over 25,000 artworks from over 3,500 artists currently. These artists are from all over the USA and from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. To this day, this Museum considers itself the artist’s museum. 

We hope you enjoy these Vlogs.