George Bellows, Dempsey and Firpo, 1924 | Video in American Sign Language

June 26, 2019

This is Dempsey and Firpo by George Bellows. This painting shows a pivotal moment from the 1923 championship fight between the American, Jack Dempsey and the man from Argentina, Luis Firpo. The artist, George Bellows' was in the crowd that evening, covering the fight as a reporter. This was a very important fight and many dignitaries and celebrities were there, including Babe Ruth. The American, Dempsey, was despised and Firpo was the underdog and crowd favorite. The fight only lasted 4 minutes, and Jack Dempsey was the victor. But the moment that became boxing legend was the one commemorated in this painting, when Firpo knocked Dempsey out of the ring.