Lucas Blalock

May 13, 2019


Lucas Blalock


Lucas Blalock: I am Lucas Blalock. I'm an artist, I live in Brooklyn.

These works are really new for me because they are utilizing these 3D tools in Photoshop.

I've been working with this tool recently that allows me to actually inflate part of the image. You can imagine the image surface is flat, and then this tool allows you to take elements of that flat image and blow them up into three dimensions. And this is obviously a virtual three dimensions.

So this is what happened to the bananas. This is how the centers of the eggs became sort of volumetric. And in the third picture is how this strange alien figure is sitting in this ambiguous space on the surface of the image.

My work is really about attempting to relate through the camera, through this technology, to the world. And to draw relationships out of the world that weren't so apparent before, and also to invent in that space.