Tina LaPorta:
Voyeur Web


Screenshot of two windows on an Apple computer, one smaller in the foreground a webcam image of a man and a woman, and one larger in the background with a floor plan of a house.
Screenshot of two windows on an Apple computer, one smaller in the foreground a webcam image of a man and a woman, and one larger in the background with a floor plan of a house.

Tina LaPorte, screenshot of VOYEUR_WEB, launched July 2001

Tina LaPorta's VOYEUR_WEB collapses the private and public spheres by connecting the blueprint of an apartment to images from webcams that open a view into the apartment's rooms. During the month of July 2001, VOYEUR_WEB linked to live webcams. The links have been replaced with an archive version of the original work.

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Tina LaPorta is a media artist who lives and works in New York City. Her most recent work has been created specifically for the Internet. She recently received the Web Residency Commission 2000 of The Alternative Museum, where she completed her World Wide Web work Re:mote_corp@REALities. In 1999, LaPorta received a commission for the creation of Distance, a web-specific work hosted on Turbulence.org. Her work has been included in the exhibitions Telematic Connections: The Virtual Embrace (2001); the Technically Engaged show at AIR Gallery, NYC (2000); theDystopia and Identity in the Age of Global Communicationsexhibition at Tribes Gallery in NYC (2000); and in Body as Byte at Neues Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland. LaPorta has been invited to participate in several symposia and on-line projects, including "The Warhol Hijack," at weliveinpublic.com; "Gender in New Media," an on-line panel at the "INVENCAO: Thinking The Next Millennium" conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and "Alterities: Interdisciplinarity and Feminine Practices of Space" at the Ecole Suprieure Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris, France.


See more on artport, the Whitney Museum's portal to Internet and new media art.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

Learn more about this project

Learn more at whitney.org/artport

On the Hour projects can contain motion and sound. To respect your accessibility settings autoplay is disabled.