The Whitney’s Collection
Jan 30, 2008–Jan 3, 2010
The Whitney's Collection was curated by Carter Foster.
- Josef Albers
- Carl Andre
- Jo Baer
- George Bellows
- Charles Biederman
- Patrick Henry Bruce
- Charles Burchfield
- Paul Cadmus
- Peter Cain
- Alexander Calder
- Lucinda Childs
- Ralston Crawford
- John Currin
- Stuart Davis
- Willem de Kooning
- Charles Demuth
- Philip-Lorca diCorcia
- Burgoyne Diller
- Elsie Driggs
- John Ferren
- Larry Fink
- Jared French
- Naum Gabo
- Fritz Glarner
- Philip Glass
- George Grosz
- Louis Guglielmi
- Philip Guston
- Marsden Hartley
- Mary Heilmann
- Robert Henri
- Edward Hopper
- Jasper Johns
- Ellsworth Kelly
- William Klein
- Franz Kline
- Jeff Koons
- Gaston Lachaise
- Jacob Lawrence
- Helen Levitt
- Sol LeWitt
- Louis Lozowick
- Stanton Macdonald-Wright
- Man Ray
- John Marin
- Joan Mitchell
- László Moholy-Nagy
- Robert Morris
- Gerald Murphy
- Alice Neel
- Georgia O'Keeffe
- Claes Oldenburg
- Jackson Pollock
- Fairfield Porter
- Kenneth Price
- Robert Rauschenberg
- Ad Reinhardt
- Theodore Roszak
- Edward Ruscha
- Morgan Russell
- Morton Schamberg
- Carolee Schneemann
- Ben Shahn
- Charles Sheeler
- John Sloan
- Leon Polk Smith
- Nancy Spero
- Joseph Stella
- Florine Stettheimer
- John Storrs
- Jack Stuck
- Nathaniel Tileston
- George Tooker
- Cy Twombly
- Andy Warhol
- Max Weber
- Nat Werner
- Andrew Wyeth