Apr 13–Aug 27, 2005
Jack Pierson, Untitled, 1995. Aquatint, sheet: 30 × 18 3/4 in. (76.2 × 47.6 cm) Plate: 20 3/8 × 9 3/8 in. (51.8 × 23.8 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; purchase, with funds from the Print Committee 95.187
Prints into Drawings was curated by David Kiehl.
Vija Celmins
Roy De Forest
Willem de Kooning
Jim Dine
Carroll Dunham
Fritz Glarner
Grace Hartigan
Jasper Johns
Lester Johnson
Jacob Kainen
James Kelly
Lee Krasner
Brice Marden
Julie Mehretu
Greg Murr
Louise Nevelson
Barnett Newman
Judy Pfaff
Jack Pierson
Karl Schrag
Joel Shapiro
James Siena
David Smith
Joyce Treiman
Cy Twombly
Terry Winters
A 30-second online art project:Peter Burr, Sunshine Monument
Learn more at whitney.org/artport