Jonah Brucker-Cohen

June 2003

Jonah Brucker-Cohen. Ph.D., is an award winning researcher, artist, writer, and Associate Professor of Digital Media and Networked Culture in the department of Journalism and Media Studies at Lehman College, CUNY. He received his Ph.D. in the Disruptive Design Team of the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department of Trinity College Dublin. His work focuses on the theme of "Deconstructing Networks" and includes over 100 creative projects that critically challenge and subvert accepted perceptions of network interaction and experience. His work has been exhibited at venues such as San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, MOMA New York, ICA London, Palais du Tokyo,Tate Modern, Ars Electronica, Whitney Museum of American Art, Transmediale, and others.


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Gate Pages

Every month from March 2001 to February 2006 an artist was invited to present their work in the form of a “Gate Page” on artport. Each of these pages functioned as a portal to the artist's own sites and projects.

Wherever necessary and possible, these works are made functional through emulation and reconstructions from the Internet Archive. Not all of them have been restored to their original state and their conservation is ongoing. You can also view the original Gate Pages archive to see how they were presented at the time of their creation.


See more on artport, the Whitney Museum's portal to Internet and new media art.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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On the Hour projects can contain motion and sound. To respect your accessibility settings autoplay is disabled.