Whitney Biennial 1977: ​Contemporary American Art

Feb 19–Apr 3, 1977

Gray cover with a diagonal cutout revealing partial text: "1977 Biennial Exhibition."
Gray cover with a diagonal cutout revealing partial text: "1977 Biennial Exhibition."

Cover for 1977 Biennial Catalogue

Whitney Biennial 1977: Contemporary American Art was curated by John G. Hanhardt, Barbara Haskell, Mark Segal, Patterson Sims, and Marcia Tucker.

View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.


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In the News

“The Whitney Museum’s 1977 Biennial has been praised by some and harshly criticized by others who have denounced many of the entries as trivial, silly, pretentious, or vulgar. [. . .] The vituperations should not cause spectators to overlook numerous other works of real quality . . .” —Art Journal

“Recent experience gives us ample reason to know in advance that the specialty of these shows—the thing that gives them their special quality and flavor—is a surpassing esthetic boredom. They seem to be governed by a positive hostility toward—a really visceral distaste for—anything that might conceivably engage the eye in a significant or pleasurable visual experience.” —The New York Times

“. . . one of the few places where American artists can uninhibitedly display their efforts in a non-commercial showcase.” —The New York Times

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Learn more about the Whitney Biennial, the longest-running survey of American art.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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