First Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
Nov 22, 1932–Jan 5, 1933
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
Jean Crawford Adams
Dewey Albinson
Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
Edmund Archer
Emil Armin
George C. Ault
Jozef G. Bakos
Paul Bartlett
A. S. Baylinson
Gifford R. Beal
Ben Benn
George Biddle
Isabel Bishop
Arnold Blanch
Lucile Blanch
Julius Bloch
Oscar Bluemner
Peter Blume
Adolphe Borie
Louis Bouché
Fiske Boyd
Alexander Brook
Edward Bruce
Henri Burkhard
David Burliuk
Bryson Burroughs
Jo Cain
Blendon Campbell
Vincent Canade
John Carroll
Nicolai Cikovsky
Florence Ballin Cramer
Konrad Cramer
Francis Criss
John Cunning
John Steuart Curry
Andrew Dasburg
Stuart Davis
Charles Demuth
Nathaniel Dirk
Thomas Donnelly
Arthur Dove
Elsie Driggs
Guy Pène Du Bois
Charles Duncan
Stuart Edie
Louis M. Eilshemius
Stephen Etnier
Ernest Fiene
Frances Foy
Kenneth Frasier
Karl Free
Arnold Friedman
Emil Ganso
William Glackens
Anne Goldthwaite
Harry Gottlieb
John D. Graham
Davenport Griffen
Bernard Gussow
Marsden Hartley
Bertram Hartman
Childe Hassam
Harry Hering
Eugene Higgins
Stefan Hirsch
Gerrit Hondius
Charles Hopkinson
Edward Hopper
Earl Horter
Isabella Howland
John Kane
Morris Kantor
Bernard Karfiol
Henry G. Keller
Georgina Klitgaard
Karl Knaths
Frederic Knight
Benjamin Kopman
Leon Kroll
Max Kuehne
Walt Kuhn
Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Richard Lahey
Edward Laning
Sidney Laufman
Ernest Lawson
Doris Lee
Hayley Lever
A. F. Levinson
Jonas Lie
William H. Littlefield
John Ward Lockwood
Charles Logasa
Luigi Lucioni
Eugene Ludins
George Luks
Gus Mager
Peppino Gino Mangravite
Reginald Marsh
Henry Mattson
Jan Matulka
Henry Lee McFee
Austin Mecklem
Gari Melchers
Kenneth Hayes Miller
Ross Moffett
David H. Morrison
Jerome Myers
Willard Nash
Georgia O'Keeffe
Otis Oldfield
Sam Ostrowsky
Walter Pach
Marjorie Phillips
George Picken
Salvatore Pinto
Theresa Pollak
Joseph Pollet
Henry Varnum Poor
Edward Redfield
Paul Rohland
Umberto Romano
Charles Rosen
Theodore Roszak
W. Vladimir Rousseff
Saul Schary
Katherine Schmidt
Henry Schnakenberg
Ben Shahn
Charles Sheeler
Anatol Shulkin
John Sloan
Judson Smith
Raphael Soyer
Eugene Speicher
Francis Speight
Niles Spencer
Joseph Stella
Maurice Sterne
Florine Stettheimer
Chuzo Tamotzu
Bradley Walker Tomlin
Herman Trunk, Jr.
Allen Tucker
Carroll Tyson
Laura Van Pappelendam
Dorothy Varian
Abraham Walkowitz
Nan Watson
Max Weber
Harold Weston
Warren Wheelock
Arnold Wiltz
Grant Wood
Stanley Wood
Marguerite Zorach
Installation Photography
Installation view of the First Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 22, 1932–January 5, 1933). From left to right: Theresa Pollak, Summac; Edward Lanning, Fourteenth Street; Bernard Karfiol, Miss B.N.; Arnold Blanche, Landscape. Photograph by Samuel H. Gottscho
Installation view of the First Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 22, 1932–January 5, 1933). From left to right: Abraham Walkowitz, From My Window; Louis Bouche, Stamford Harbor; Max Weber, Interior With Still Life; Louis Eilshemius, Delaware Water Gap Village; A.S. Baylinson, Eternal Woman. Photograph by Samuel H. Gottscho
Installation view of the First Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 22, 1932–January 5, 1933). From left to right: Harry Gottlieb, On the Balcony; Charles Logassa, Study for Pole Vaulter; Edward Bruce, San Luis Obispo; Jerome Meyers, Vaudville; Jean Crawford Adams, Plowing; Andrew Dasburg, Merganser. Photograph by Samuel H. Gottscho
Installation view of the First Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 22, 1932–January 5, 1933). From left to right: Anatol Shulkin, Kentucky Yarn; Florence Ballin-Chamer, Landscape; Henri Burkhard, Three Men; Sidney Laufman, Behind The Village; Richard Lahey, Carlotta in Rose Dress. Photograph by Samuel H. Gottscho
Installation view of the First Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 22, 1932–January 5, 1933). From left to right: Ernest Lawson, Baseball Park; Isabel Bishop, Combing Her Hair; John Cunning, Sunset—New York Bay; George Biddle, His First Crossing. Photograph by Samuel H. Gottscho
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In the News
“. . . one thing that makes the Whitney biennial so peculiarly attractive is just the sense of inexhaustible surprise . . .” —The New York Times
“Above all else [. . .] the museum is to be congratulated on having assembled so broad a survey of painting in this country.” —The New York Times
“. . . a panorama of what is going on in American painting today.” —The American Magazine of Art
“. . . a catholic gathering of contemporary tendencies . . .” —The American Magazine of Art
“The representation in this exhibition is sectional, covering the country from the East Coast to the West and from the Canada border to Mexico [. . .] a general survey of American art of today will be given.” —Evening Star
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