Barbara Lattanzi
January 2005
Barbara Lattanzi creates software for video improvisation and annotation, as well as other works of interactive media. Her work has been screened at venues such as the 2003 Ann Arbor Film Festival, the 2002 European Media Art Festival, and Robert Beck Memorial Cinema. Her experimental software C-SPAN Karaoke received an Honorary Mention at Transmediale 2005, the Berlin-based international media art festival. Her interactive media works have been exhibited at the 2003 Version>03 Digital Arts Convergence, Chicago; the 9th New York Digital Salon; Electronics Alive II Invitational; the 4th Seoul Net and Film Festival; and The production of her multimedia applets and software has been stimulated in part by the open structures of net-based venues such as the online software art archive and Rhizome's ArtBase, where her work is included. An essay about Lattanzi's software in relation to 1970s experimental film appears in Millenium Film Journal Nos. 39/40. She currently teaches at Smith College in Massachusetts.
More information about Lattanzi's work can be found at
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This project partially relies on Shockwave .dcr files that are no longer readily playable.
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Gate Pages
Every month from March 2001 to February 2006 an artist was invited to present their work in the form of a “Gate Page” on artport. Each of these pages functioned as a portal to the artist's own sites and projects.
Wherever necessary and possible, these works are made functional through emulation and reconstructions from the Internet Archive. Not all of them have been restored to their original state and their conservation is ongoing. You can also view the original Gate Pages archive to see how they were presented at the time of their creation.
See more on artport, the Whitney Museum's portal to Internet and new media art.