Annual Exhibition 1966: Contemporary Sculpture and Prints
Dec 16, 1966–Feb 5, 1967
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
- Peter Agostini
- Calvin Albert
- John Anderson
- Stephen Antonakos
- Richard Artschwager
- George Baker
- Robert Bart
- Leonard Baskin
- Mary Bauermeister
- Larry Bell
- John Bennett
- Fletcher Benton
- Tony Berlant
- Harry Bertoia
- Charles Biederman
- Ronald Bladen
- Varujan Boghosian
- Roger Bolomey
- Ilya Bolotowsky
- Lee Bontecou
- Alexander Calder
- William H. Calfee
- Kenneth Campbell
- John Chamberlain
- Chryssa
- Joseph Cornell
- José de Creeft
- Tony Delap
- Walter De Maria
- José de Rivera
- Mark di Suvero
- Enrico Donati
- Tom Doyle
- Robert Engman
- Peter Erskine
- Herbert Ferber
- Frank Gallo
- Herbert George
- Joe Goode
- John Goodyear
- Robert Graham
- Philip Grausman
- David Gray
- Roy Gussow
- Raoul Hague
- Lloyd Hamrol
- David Hare
- Duayne Hatchett
- George Herms
- G. Edward Higgins
- Keith Hollingworth
- Will Horwitt
- Robert A. Howard
- Robert Hubbard
- Robert Hudson
- Douglas Huebler
- Richard Hunt
- Robert Indiana
- Donald Judd
- Luise Kaish
- Ellsworth Kelly
- Edward Kienholz
- William King
- Lyman Kipp
- Gabriel Kohn
- Joseph Konzal
- Rockne Krebs
- Gary Kuehn
- Gerald Laing
- Leroy Lamis
- Ibram Lassaw
- Michael Lekakis
- Sol LeWitt
- Alexander Liberman
- Roy Lichtenstein
- Jean Linder
- Jacques Lipchitz
- Seymour Lipton
- Sven Lukin
- Sheldon Machlin
- Anthony Magar
- Phillip Makanna
- Robert Mallary
- Ronald Mallory
- Conrad Marca-Relli
- John Marshall
- Ezio Martinelli
- John McCracken
- Ed McGowin
- James Melchert
- Robert Morris
- Robert Murray
- Forrest Myers
- Reuben Nakian
- Louise Nevelson
- Barnett Newman
- Minoru Niizuma
- Costantino Nivola
- Isamu Noguchi
- Gyora Novak
- Toshio Odate
- Claes Oldenburg
- George Ortman
- Alfonso Ossorio
- Anthony Padovano
- Harold Paris
- Philip Pavia
- Charles O. Perry
- Kenneth Price
- Leo Rabkin
- William Reimann
- Daniel Rhodes
- George Rickey
- Larry Rivers
- James Rosati
- Bernard Rosenthal
- Theodore Roszak
- Lucas Samaras
- Julius Schmidt
- Day Schnabel
- James L. Seawright
- George Segal
- Jason Seley
- William Sellers
- Robert Smithson
- Tony Smith
- Kenneth Snelson
- Sasson Soffer
- George Spaventa
- Jack Squier
- Richard Stankiewicz
- George Sugarman
- William Tarr
- Mike Todd
- Harold Tovish
- Ernest Trova
- DeWain Valentine
- Al Vanderburg
- David von Schlegell
- Elbert Weinberg
- David Weinrib
- William T. Wiley
- John Willenbecher
- Christopher Wilmarth
- James Wines
- William Zorach
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In the News
“. . . the range of styles embraces a wider spectrum of taste than even past exhibitions in this series—always immensely eclectic—have attempted. The result is a show that clearly favors new ideas, young talent and audacious departures, but one that manages at the same time overfulfill the Whitney’s long-standing loyalty to a large number of well-known artists of indifferent accomplishment.” —The New York Times
“. . . it may be the swingingest Whitney sculpture annual since the museum began the shows back in 1932.” —The New York Times
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