Annual Exhibition 1966: Contemporary Sculpture and Prints

Dec 16, 1966–Feb 5, 1967

Catalogue cover for Annual Exhibition 1966: Contemporary Sculpture and Prints
Catalogue cover for Annual Exhibition 1966: Contemporary Sculpture and Prints

Catalogue cover for Annual Exhibition 1966: Contemporary Sculpture and Prints

View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.

In the News

“. . . the range of styles embraces a wider spectrum of taste than even past exhibitions in this series—always immensely eclectic—have attempted. The result is a show that clearly favors new ideas, young talent and audacious departures, but one that manages at the same time overfulfill the Whitney’s long-standing loyalty to a large number of well-known artists of indifferent accomplishment.” —The New York Times

“. . . it may be the swingingest Whitney sculpture annual since the museum began the shows back in 1932.” —The New York Times

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