1965 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
Dec 8, 1965–Jan 30, 1966
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
- Josef Albers
- Milet Andrejevic
- Richard Anuszkiewicz
- Joel Barletta
- Will Barnet
- Robert Beauchamp
- Elmer Bischoff
- Isabel Bishop
- Ilya Bolotowsky
- James Brooks
- Charles Burchfield
- Paul Burlin
- Jacqueline Byrne
- Paul Cadmus
- Lawrence Calcagno
- Victor Candell
- Giorgio Cavallon
- Francis Celentano
- Carmen Cicero
- Edward Corbett
- Ralston Crawford
- Ben Cunningham
- Nassos Daphnis
- John Day
- Willem de Kooning
- Angelo Di Benedetto
- Richard Diebenkorn
- Jim Dine
- Enrico Donati
- Jimmy Ernst
- Philip Evergood
- Paul Feeley
- Lorser Feitelson
- John Ferren
- Helen Frankenthaler
- Lee Gatch
- Thomas George
- Gregory Gillespie
- James Gill
- Edward Giobbi
- Fritz Glarner
- Michael Goldberg
- Robert Goodnough
- Adolph Gottlieb
- Cleve Gray
- Balcomb Greene
- Robert Gwathmey
- Howard Hack
- Mary Heisig
- Al Held
- John Heliker
- Joseph Hirsch
- Hans Hofmann
- Carl Holty
- Budd Hopkins
- Edward Hopper
- Robert Indiana
- Will Insley
- Paul Jenkins
- Alfred J. Jensen
- Jasper Johns
- Ben Johnson
- Lester Johnson
- Morton Kaish
- Howard Kanovitz
- Ellsworth Kelly
- William Kienbusch
- R. B. Kitaj
- Karl Knaths
- Nicholas Krushenick
- Jannett Lam
- Jacob Lawrence
- Alfred Leslie
- John Levee
- Jack Levine
- Alexander Liberman
- Roy Lichtenstein
- Richard Lindner
- Helen Lundeberg
- Loren MacIver
- Frank J. Malina
- Leo Manso
- Conrad Marca-Relli
- Marcia Marcus
- Agnes Martin
- George McNeil
- Joan Mitchell
- Tad Miyashita
- Hans Moller
- George L. K. Morris
- Kyle Morris
- Robert Motherwell
- George Mueller
- Walter Murch
- Robert Natkin
- Barnett Newman
- Kenneth Noland
- Kenzo Okada
- Georgia O'Keeffe
- George Ortman
- Raymond Parker
- Henry Pearson
- I. Rice Pereira
- Gabor Peterdi
- Larry Poons
- Fairfield Porter
- Richard Pousette-Dart
- Gregorio Prestopino
- Leo Rabkin
- Abraham Rattner
- Robert Rauschenberg
- Ad Reinhardt
- Deborah Remington
- Larry Rivers
- Karl Schrag
- Jon Schueler
- Ben Shahn
- Honoré Sharrer
- Oli Sihvonen
- Hyde Solomon
- Raphael Soyer
- Theodoros Stamos
- Frank Stella
- Jack Stuck
- James Sullivan
- Reuben Tam
- Wayne Thiebaud
- Mark Tobey
- George Tooker
- Jack Tworkov
- Gene Vass
- Esteban Vicente
- John von Wicht
- Tom Wesselmann
- Hiram D. Williams
- Jane Wilson
- Jean Xcéron
- Larry Zox
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In the News
“. . . a rather jumbled affair. But as a cross-section, a jumble is appropriate enough just now, since so many things are going on at once that any cross-section has to be a kind of hash rather than a revelation of logical inner structure.” —The New York Times
“. . . a respectable assemblage of paintings that does what it can, under limitations, to survey the current scene.” —The New York Times
“. . . a different, strangely buoyant feeling, [. . .] much livelier than that of two years ago.” —The Washington Post
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