Annual Exhibition 1963: Contemporary American Painting

Dec 11, 1963–Feb 2, 1964

View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.

In the News

“The Whitney Annual [. . .] is a hodgepodge, but it is a good hodgepodge and could not be anything but a hodgepodge since it intends to take a cross section of contemporary American painting.” —The New York Times

“Too small to be widely representative, too large to be exquisitely selective, the exhibition is just the right size to be vulnerable from all sides.” —The New York Times

“As always, the show is more concerned with presenting the scene as the Whitney Museum staff finds it than in imposing trends, currents, and prejudices on the contemporary scene. This has the advantage of allowing the spectator to make up his own mind, something that may put a great strain on a public accustomed to package deals enclosing their own how-to-think sets.” —The New York Times

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