Annual Exhibition 1960: Contemporary Sculpture and Drawings

Dec 7, 1960–Jan 22, 1961

Catalogue cover for Annual Exhibition 1960: Contemporary Sculpture and Drawings
Catalogue cover for Annual Exhibition 1960: Contemporary Sculpture and Drawings

Catalogue cover for Annual Exhibition 1960: Contemporary Sculpture and Drawings

View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.

In the News

“. . . one thing the Whitney Annual does show: wherever it may be going, American sculpture at this moment is explorative as sculpture has never been before, anywhere.” —The New York Times

“. . . this is a survey of American sculpture at the moment, including curious things called ‘sculpture’ for need of calling them something. There are some appalling items on display, both avant-garde and old guard, but the over-all impression is that American sculpture today has an explorative vitality that stimulates every kind of invention.” —The New York Times

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