1958 Annual Exhibition: Sculpture, Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings
Nov 19, 1958–Jan 4, 1959
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
Josef Albers
Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
Albert Alcalay
Leo Amino
Ruth Asawa
Milton Avery
Rudolf Baranik
Leonard Baskin
William Baziotes
Robert Benham Becker
Harry Bertoia
Edward Betts
Isabel Bishop
Arnold Blanch
Aaron Bohrod
Bill Bomar
Louis Bouché
James Boynton
Theodore Brenson
William Brice
James Brooks
Charles Burchfield
Hans Burkhardt
Paul Cadmus
Alexander Calder
Herman Cherry
Carroll Cloar
John Colt
Edward Corbett
Joseph Cornell
Ralston Crawford
Robert Cronbach
Stuart Davis
José de Creeft
José de Rivera
Richard Diebenkorn
Seymour Drumlevitch
Lu Duble
Friedel Dzubas
Leonard Edmondson
Ethel Edwards
Jimmy Ernst
Philip Evergood
Herbert Ferber
Perle Fine
Don Fink
Gray Foy
Frederick Franck
Helen Frankenthaler
Thomas Fransioli Jr.
Antonio Frasconi
Naum Gabo
Lee Gatch
Sonia Gechtoff
Fritz Glarner
Joseph M. Glasco
Xavier Gonzalez
Sidney Gordin
Adolph Gottlieb
Cleve Gray
Balcomb Greene
José Guerrero
Philip Guston
Robert Gwathmey
David Hare
Grace Hartigan
Julius Hatofsky
John Heliker
Hans Hofmann
Budd Hopkins
Edward Hopper
John Hultberg
Richard Hunt
Angelo Ippolito
Ralph Iwamoto
Hazel Janicki
Lester Johnson
Robert Kabak
Max Kahn
Ben Kamihira
Nathaniel Kaz
James Kearns
Leon Kelly
Franz Kline
Gabriel Kohn
Joseph L. Lasker
Ibram Lassaw
Robert Laurent
Jacob Lawrence
Rico Lebrun
Doris Lee
Michael Lekakis
Jacques Lipchitz
Peter Lipman-Wulf
Bruno Lucchesi
Loren MacIver
Barnett Mather
Elizabeth McFadden
Gerald McLaughlin
Walter Meigs
Sigmund Menkes
Felicia Meyer
Sam Middleton
Raymond August Mintz
Hans Moller
George L. K. Morris
Kyle Morris
Robert Motherwell
Seong Moy
Katherine Nash
Isamu Noguchi
Georgia O'Keeffe
Earle Olsen
Stephen Pace
William C. Palmer
Ray Parker
Robert Andrew Parker
Jarvin L. Parks
Abbott Pattison
Philip Pearlstein
I. Rice Pereira
Gabor Peterdi
Marianna Pineda
Walter Plate
Reginald Pollack
Richard Pousette-Dart
Walter Quirt
George Ratkai
Bernard Reder
Ad Reinhardt
Larry Rivers
Hugo Robus
Bernard Rosenthal
Robert Rosenwald
Theodore Roszak
Frank Roth
Andrée Ruellan
Kay Sage
Tadashi Sato
Concetta Scaravaglione
Louis Schanker
Miriam Schapiro
Katherine Schmidt
Ethel Schwabacher
Joseph Schwarz
William E. Sebring
Kurt Seligmann
Sueo Serisawa
Ben Shahn
Honoré Sharrer
Charles Sheeler
Esphyr Slobodkina
David Smith
Raphael Soyer
Jack Squier
Theodoros Stamos
Joe Stefanelli
Leo Steppat
Myron Stout
James Suzuki
Howard Takal
Peter Takal
Howard Thomas
John Thomas
William Thon
Mark Tobey
Anthony Toney
George Tooker
Joyce Treiman
Esteban Vicente
Charles Virga
Howard Warshaw
Max Weber
Elbert Weinberg
Nat Werner
James Wines
Joseph Winter
Emerson Woelffer
Jack Wolfe
Robert Jay Wolff
Thomas Yerxa
Adja Yunkers
Karl Zerbe
William Zorach
Installation Photography
In the News
“. . . generally high level of both technical and imaginative quality in all three departments of the exhibition.” —The New York Times
“The diversity of media and techniques is explored, occasionally at the expense of quality; and a few of the clamorous paintings in what might be termed the abstract-expressionist group could be spared. But, on the whole, this year’s event emerges very creditably from the long series.” —The New York Times
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