1956 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Sculpture, Watercolors and Drawings
Apr 18–June 10, 1956
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
Herb Aach
Calvin Albert
Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
Leo Amino
Jeremy Anderson
Malcolm Gordon Anderson
Oliver Andrews
Alexander Archipenko
Ruth Armer
Ruth Asawa
Milton Avery
Peggy Bacon
Virginia Banks
Leonard Baskin
William Baziotes
Margit Beck
George Biddle
Isabel Bishop
Dusti Bonge
Louise Bourgeois
William Brice
James Brooks
Carlyle Brown
Byron Browne
Charles Burchfield
Paul Burlin
Paul Cadmus
Doris Caesar
Lawrence Calcagno
Alexander Calder
Kenneth Callahan
Mary Callery
Victor Candell
Rhys Caparn
Clarence Holbrook Carter
Chen Chi
Warrington Colescott
Robert Cook
Edward Corbett
Joseph Cornell
Robert Cronbach
Roger L. Crossgrove
Noel Davis
Stuart Davis
Lindsey Decker
José de Creeft
Adolf Dehn
Willem de Kooning
Koren Der Harootian
José de Rivera
Henry Di Spirito
Enrico Donati
Lu Duble
Leonard Edmondson
Ethel Edwards
Jimmy Ernst
Philip Evergood
Fred Farr
Berenice Feinstein
Josh Fendell
Herbert Ferber
John Ferren
Keith Finch
Seymour Fogel
Gray Foy
Antonio Frasconi
Paul Frazier
David Fredenthal
Jared French
Sue Fuller
Adomas Galdikas
Jan Gelb
Joseph M. Glasco
Xavier Gonzalez
Sidney Gordin
Adolph Gottlieb
John D. Graham
Morris Graves
Dorothea Greenbaum
Balcomb Greene
Stephen Greene
Peter Grippe
Chaim Gross
George Grosz
Roy Gussow
Philip Guston
Carl Hall
David Hare
Minna Harkavy
John Hartell
Stuart Harwood
Milton Hebald
Albert Heckman
Charles Heidenreich
John Heliker
Hans Hofmann
Robert B. Howard
John Hultberg
Angelo Ippolito
Ynez Johnston
Robert Kabak
Herbert Kallem
Nathaniel Kaz
Leon Kelly
Adaline Kent
William Kienbusch
Frederick Kiesler
Dong Kingman
Jonah Kinigstein
Lyman Kipp
Jules Kirschenbaum
Henry Koerner
Richard Koppe
Louise Kruger
Lawrence Kupferman
Edward Laning
Maurice A. Lapp
Ibram Lassaw
Robert Laurent
Pietro Lazzari
James Lechay
Charles LeClair
Jack Levine
Simon Levine
Richard Lidner
Jacques Lipchitz
Peter Lipman-Wulf
Seymour Lipton
Vincent Longo
Eugene Ludins
Oronzio Maldarelli
Beatrice Mandelman
Peppino Gino Mangravite
Boris Margo
De Hirsh Margules
Helen Marshall
Harry Marinsky
Ezio Martinelli
John W. McCoy
J. Jay McVicker
Hugh Mesibov
Edward Millman
Robert Moir
Carl Morris
George Morrison
Lee Mullican
Reuben Nakian
Louise Nevelson
Juan Nickford
Costantino Nivola
Isamu Noguchi
Elizabeth Olds
Charles Oscar
Alfonso Ossorio
Stephen Pace
Robert Andrew Parker
Betty Parsons
Abbott Pattison
I. Rice Pereira
Bernard Perlin
Gabor Peterdi
Ogden M. Pleissner
Richard Pousette-Dart
Rudy Pozzatti
Gregorio Prestopino
George Ratkai
Abraham Rattner
Jeanne Reynal
Daniel Rhodes
Larry Rivers
Hugo Robus
Theodore Roszak
Henry Rox
Andrée Ruellan
Robert I. Russin
Hélène Sardeau
Concetta Scaravaglione
Karl Schrag
Georges Schreiber
Charles Schucker
Sonia Sekula
Charles Seliger
Kurt Seligmann
John Sennhauser
Rene Shapshak
Sarai Sherman
Helena Simkhovitch
Sidney Simon
Mitchell Siporin
David Smith
Edwin E. Sponsler
Theodoros Stamos
Richard Stankiewicz
Saul Steinberg
Edward John Stevens Jr.
Dorothy Sturm
Peter Takal
John W. Taylor
William Thon
Mark Tobey
Charles Umlauf
Polygnotos Vagis
Robert Vickrey
John von Wicht
Jane Wasey
Max Weber
Nat Werner
Anita Weschler
Charles White
John Wilde
Andrew Wyeth
Karl Zerbe
William Zorach
Jack Zuckerman
Installation Photography
Installation view of 1956 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Sculpture, Watercolors and Drawings (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, April 18–June 10, 1956). From left to right: David Smith, Iron Woman; Sidney Gordin, Construction, No. 10; at far right Jose De Rivera, Construction, No. 6. Photograph by Geoffrey Clements
Installation view of 1956 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Sculpture, Watercolors and Drawings (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, April 18–June 10, 1956). From left to right: Ruth Asawa, Black & Gold; Sue Fuller, String Composition, No. 63; Isamu Noguchi, Untitled; Louise Nevelson, Black Majesty; Joseph Albers, Red Wall. Photograph by Geoffrey Clements
In the News
“. . . the constructionists and workers in metal are decidedly in evidence. But veterans who are in varying degrees traditional in their outlook have not been neglected.” —The New York Times
“. . . the water-color section (particularly attractive this year) and the drawings range from realism to complicated abstraction, and in these departments, as in the sculpture section, the effort has been made to reveal the wide range of current activities and the vitality of today’s work.” —The New York Times
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