1948 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
Nov 13, 1948–Jan 2, 1949
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
- Ivan Le Lorraine Albright
- Lester J. Ambrose
- Bernard Arnest
- Carl Ashby
- John Atherton
- R. Maxil Ballinger
- William Baziotes
- Max Beckmann
- Thomas Hart Benton
- Ben-Zion
- Eugene Berman
- Isabel Bishop
- Hyman Bloom
- Louis Bosa
- Henry Botkin
- Louis Bouché
- Louise Bourgeois
- William Brice
- Alexander Brook
- Paul Burlin
- Peter Busa
- Paul Cadmus
- Edward Chavez
- Francis Colburn
- Fred Conway
- Aleta Cornelius
- Russell Cowles
- John Rogers Cox
- Ralston Crawford
- Stefano Cusumano
- Virginia Cuthbert
- Norman Daly
- Worden Day
- Willem de Kooning
- Lamar Dodd
- Seymour Drumlevitch
- Guy Pène Du Bois
- Harry Engel
- Max Ernst
- Philip Evergood
- Claire Falkenstein
- Remo Farruggio
- Lyonel Feininger
- Seymour Franks
- Thomas Fransioli Jr.
- Jared French
- Martin Friedman
- Carl Gaertner
- E. Bart Gerald
- Kahlil Gibran
- Maxwell Gordon
- Adolph Gottlieb
- Cleve Gray
- Balcomb Greene
- Stephen Greene
- Werner Groshans
- Sidney Gross
- Jean Guerin
- Louis Guglielmi
- Philip Guston
- James Guy
- Robert Gwathmey
- Carl Hall
- John Heliker
- Arnold Herstand
- Joseph Hirsch
- Hans Hofmann
- Edward Hopper
- Walter Houmere
- Lee Jackson
- Marion M. Junkin
- Bernard Karfiol
- Karl Knaths
- Henry Koerner
- Walt Kuhn
- Yasuo Kuniyoshi
- Lawrence Kupferman
- Chet La More
- Edward Laning
- Joseph L. Lasker
- Rico Lebrun
- Julian Levi
- Jack Levine
- Charles Locke
- Eugene Ludins
- Loren MacIver
- Howard Mandel
- Leo Manso
- Irving Marantz
- Boris Margo
- John Marin
- Reginald Marsh
- Fletcher Martin
- Martyl
- John Masteller
- Matta
- Henry Mattson
- Felicia Meyer
- Kenneth Hayes Miller
- Hans Moller
- George L. K. Morris
- George Morrison
- Walter Murch
- Georgia O'Keeffe
- Arthur Osver
- William C. Palmer
- I. Rice Pereira
- Alton Pickens
- Joseph Pollet
- Henry Varnum Poor
- Gregorio Prestopino
- Walter Quirt
- Steve Raffo
- Abraham Rattner
- Ruth Ray
- Edward A. Reep
- Anton Refregier
- Philip Reisman
- Esther G. Rolick
- Samuel Rosenberg
- Santina M. Rossetto
- Kay Sage
- Attilio Salemme
- Louis Schanker
- Harry W. Scheuch
- Katherine Schmidt
- Henry Schnakenberg
- Georges Schreiber
- Charles Seliger
- Kurt Seligmann
- Zoltan Sepeshy
- Ben Shahn
- Charles Sheeler
- Mitchell Siporin
- John Sloan
- Charles Augustus Smith
- Isaac Soyer
- Raphael Soyer
- Niles Spencer
- Everett Spruce
- Theodoros Stamos
- Harold Sterner
- Walter Stuempfig
- Rufino Tamayo
- Reuben Tam
- Yves Tanguy
- Dorothea Tanning
- Pavel Tchelitchew
- Margaret Tomkins
- Bradley Walker Tomlin
- Anthony Toney
- George Tooker
- James B. Turnbull
- Dorothy Varian
- Frede Vidar
- Sylvia Wald
- Erika Weihs
- Denny E. Winters
- Zsissly
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“The Whitney exhibition is in some ways, I think, the best and most definitive expression of its progressive policy in the whole long series of its annuals.” —The New York Times
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