1946 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
Dec 10, 1946–Jan 16, 1947
View the full exhibition catalogue at the Internet Archive.
- Edmund Archer
- David Aronson
- John Atherton
- Darrel Austin
- Harold Baumbach
- William Baziotes
- Romare Bearden
- Jane Berlandina
- Eugene Berman
- Harry Bertoia
- Isabel Bishop
- Arnold Blanch
- Hyman Bloom
- Louis Bosa
- Raymond Breinin
- Alexander Brook
- Byron Browne
- Audrey Buller
- Paul Burlin
- David Burliuk
- Peter Busa
- Paul Cadmus
- Kenneth Callahan
- John Carroll
- Federico Castellón
- Marc Chagall
- Francis Colburn
- Russell Cowles
- Ralston Crawford
- Virginia Cuthbert
- Salvador Dalí
- Stuart Davis
- Julio de Diego
- Eleanor De Laittre
- Joseph De Martini
- Harry Dix
- Arthur Dove
- Werner Drewes
- Guy Pène Du Bois
- Terence R. Duren
- Max Ernst
- Philip Evergood
- Sylvia Fein
- Tully Filmus
- Perle Fine
- James Fitzgerald
- Vaughn Flannery
- Richard A. Florsheim
- Karl E. Fortess
- Seymour Franks
- Suzy Frelinghuysen
- Jared French
- Martin Friedman
- Norma S. Fried
- E. Bart Gerald
- Arshile Gorky
- Adolph Gottlieb
- Cleve Gray
- Balcomb Greene
- Stephen Greene
- William Gropper
- Sidney Gross
- George Grosz
- Jean Guerin
- Louis Guglielmi
- Philip Guston
- Robert Gwathmey
- Carl Hall
- Hananiah Harari
- Lily Harmon
- Stanley William Hayter
- John Heliker
- William E. Hentschel
- Joseph Hirsch
- Stefan Hirsch
- Carl Holty
- Edward Hopper
- Walter Houmere
- Charles Houghton Howard
- John Langley Howard
- Lee Jackson
- Edward Powis Jones
- Joe Jones
- Wendell Jones
- Mervin Jules
- Morris Kantor
- Bernard Karfiol
- Karl Knaths
- Walt Kuhn
- Yasuo Kuniyoshi
- Doris Lee
- Julian Levi
- Charles Locke
- Eugene Ludins
- Loren MacIver
- Boris Margo
- John Marin
- Reginald Marsh
- Matta
- Henry Mattson
- Henrik Martin Mayer
- Austin Mecklem
- Edward Melcarth
- Knud Merrild
- Kenneth Hayes Miller
- László Moholy-Nagy
- Hans Moller
- Johannes Molzahn
- Carl Morris
- George L. K. Morris
- Robert Motherwell
- B. J. O. Nordfeldt
- Georgia O'Keeffe
- Arthur Osver
- Amédée Ozenfant
- Lloyd Parsons
- Waldo Peirce
- I. Rice Pereira
- Alton Pickens
- Joseph Pollet
- Jackson Pollock
- Gregorio Prestopino
- Robert O. Preusser
- Philip Reisman
- Constance C. Richardson
- Kurt Roesch
- Mark Rothko
- Andrée Ruellan
- Felix Ruvolo
- Kay Sage
- Attilio Salemme
- Louis Schanker
- Josef Scharl
- Henry Schnakenberg
- Manfred Schwartz
- Zoltan Sepeshy
- Ben Shahn
- Charles Sheeler
- Mitchell Siporin
- John Sloan
- Miron Sokole
- Raphael Soyer
- Vincent Spagna
- Eugene Speicher
- Everett Spruce
- Theodoros Stamos
- Harry Sternberg
- Harold Sterner
- Walter Stuempfig
- Rufino Tamayo
- Yves Tanguy
- John W. Taylor
- Pavel Tchelitchew
- Mark Tobey
- Margaret Tomkins
- Bradley Walker Tomlin
- Nahum Tschacbasov
- Dorothy Varian
- Frede Vidar
- John von Wicht
- Joseph P. Vorst
- Max Weber
- Steve Wheeler
- Esther Williams
- Reginald Wilson
- Jean Xcéron
- Karl Zerbe
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In the News
“The show is good because it is alive in a sense not confined to excitement, tricky thrills, controversial brashness. Granted a constructive bias in the approach, it has been organized with thoughtful care, with a manifest appreciation of the importance of securing the best that these selected artists had to offer.” —The New York Times
“Even those who abhor modernism in most of its manifestations will possibly be disposed to admit that the show does at least look alive. And the modernists themselves, with their ample following, are headed for a field day unprecedented in Eighth Street.” —The New York Times
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