Richard Aldrich

Born 1975 in Hampton, Virginia
Lives and Works in Brooklyn, New York

For his contribution to 2010, Richard Aldrich transitions from works on linen to sculptures built from ready-made objects. Gift is made from a constructed pedestal displaying a limited-edition boxed set of Marcel Proust’s seminal novel In Search of Lost Time—a work known for its exploration of the intricacies of art, life, and love. The image in the painting Stranger in a Strange Land is from an ink drawing that the artist made ten years ago while writing short stories related to science fiction. It takes its title from Robert A. Heilein’s 1961 novel in which a human raised on Mars returns to Earth as a young adult and recounts his interaction with humankind. Together with an assemblage of three scrap pieces of wood, which form a vaguely figurative sculpture, the installation embodies abstract autobiographical references in a meticulous, selective approach that characterizes much of Aldrich’s work.

Read About the Artist

"Art in Review; Richard Aldrich"
The New York Times (July 2004)

"Richard Aldrich"
Frieze (October 2010)

"Art in Review; Richard Aldrich"
The New York Times (February 2009)

"Richard Aldrich at Marc Foxx"
Artforum (December 2007)