Luther Price (Program 2)

Thurs, Mar 1, 2012
2 pm

Second Floor

Known since the 1980s for his Super-8 films and performances, Luther Price has, in recent years, turned to 16mm film, creating new works from discarded prints of old documentaries, snippets of Hollywood features, and other examples of cinematic detritus. He re-edits the footage by hand, effaces the image through scraping, buries the films to rot and gather mold, and adds chaotic visual patterns using colored inks and permanent markers. For soundtracks, he frequently uses only the brutal electromechanical noise generated by sprocket holes running through the projector’s audio system. Each reel he produces is thereby a unique object, often altered to such an extent it struggles through the projector, as if playing out the end of film itself; his is a cinema that ecstatically embraces its death drive, so as to achieve maximum potency.

March 1 and 3
2 pm
March 2
4 pm
March 4
12 pm

Inkblot #6: Mark Lapore is Dreaming of Elephants, 2007
16mm film, color, sound; approx. 4 min.
Inkblot #19: Sal Mineo at Sea, 2008
16mm film, color, sound; approx. 6 min.
After the Garden of Eaden, 2007
16mm film, color, sound; approx. 10 min.
September Song, 2005
16mm film, color, sound; approx. 8 min.
Inkblot #41: Sal Mineo is Gay, 2011
16mm film, color, sound; approx. 5 min.
Inkblot #9: At Twilight, 2008
16mm film, color, sound; approx. 6 min.
Sorry – Walking the Cross “Quatch,” 2011
16mm film, color, sound; approx. 8 min.
Fancy, 2006
16mm film, color, sound; approx 10 min.

Screenings are free with Museum admission. Admittance is on a first-come, first-seated basis until capacity is reached. Late admittance is strongly discouraged, so please arrive early.

View schedules for Price's film program 1 and film program 3.

Projections of Price’s intricately collaged slides are on view on the second and fourth floors.

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